Some Say...
November 12, 2008
Some say that there is no God. That we believers are full of nonsense. That, rationally, it cannot be the case that the world, the universe, was created by a creator.
I say that, rationally, how possible is it for you to exist in the exact way that you do, at the exact place, in this exact moment, doing exactly what it is that you are doing? It is "statistically" so unlikely as to be virtually impossible, mathematically speaking. Yet there you are, as yourself, right now, doing what you are doing, wherever you happen to be.
Some say that it's not that significant that Christianity exists and is strong and vibrant throughout the world, 2000 years after its founding, even after considering all that it has endured. That, after all, in light of so many competing religions and philosophies, something was "bound" to beat out the others, wasn't it? And that one thing just so happens to be Christianity, even though it could just have likely have been any number of other beliefs. It's the Romans, by golly, that we have to thank for Christianity's dominance!
I say that, to the contrary, who's to say that any set of beliefs that was present and relevant 2000 years ago in a specific, unique culture and place would have any business surviving and thriving throughout all of the ensuing eras of human history, across cultures, all over the world? It is not a militaristic belief system, although many have gone to war in defense of it. It has had its share of dark periods and individuals, as it is a human institution. But when so many have been moved and continue to be moved to make the sacrifices that they have made, including their very lives, for their belief, it is no wonder that it is as prevalent today as it is. The unanswerable question posed to those who do not believe is this: what is the source, the inspiration, for that level of devotion? What would you lay down your life for, what would you be torn to shreds and voluntarily devoured by wild beasts for, what would you be consumed as a human torch for? Money? No. Your love, your children? Possibly. Your belief in something not of this earthly existence? What could have that kind of power over even one person, let alone so many people across so many years?
If you don't believe, if you are not seeking the Truth with your head, your heart, and your soul, then what are you doing with your life, with your existence? Ask yourself the questions that must be asked, the big important universal questions, and you will quickly realize that in order to find the answers, you must necessarily rely less on statistics and probabilities and rationalizations and excuses and the limits of human reason. Employ them to your head's content to have it all make a little more sense in terms of constructs and understandability, but realize that they are not of themselves able to provide the answers that you seek. Have faith in the veracity of eyewitness accounts of God's walk on earth as Man and in all that has transpired since, and you will have made a good start for yourself.