Why a Catholic Can Vote For Obama
Still Not Wiser Than Thousands of Years of Wisdom

Why a Catholic CAN'T (in good conscience) Vote For Obama

October 21, 2008:  that was the day that I opined as a free-thinking citizen of the world on the topic of abortion as an election issue (though vehemently opposed to abortion, I could rationalize how I could still vote for Obama).

October 23, 2008:  this is the day that I write as "a Catholic" and not as "one who attends Catholic Mass" and espouses the faith when it suits me.

It is, in actuality, all about abortion when it comes to election issues and the Church.  In her eyes, there is no greater "intrinsically evil" act than the taking of innocent life, and the numbers regarding abortion are staggering:

48 MILLION innocent human lives have been ended by abortion since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in America 35 years ago.  I assume those numbers are for legal abortions in America, based on the context of the data given, but I have not verified that because it does not matter to me; wherever they lived, they are still dead.

Would Obama make a better leader than McCain?  Would the stock market and my retirement fund fare better over the next 4 or 8 years with Obama?  Would black Americans feel better about our nation if a black President were elected?  Would other nations have their notions of America as a country turned upside down if we were to do that?  It matters not, because millions and millions of innocent lives will be taken by abortion over the next 4 or 8 years with a President who supports the practice as emphatically as it has ever been supported by a potential President.

Can McCain get abortion stopped as President?  I doubt it.  It still seems to be up to the Supreme Court having the right case come along.  But at least he WOULD end it if it were up to him, whereas Obama would not.  And for all the leadership and intelligence and coolness and African heritage in the world, I would not trade the sanctity of the life of an innocent child, let alone millions of them.

Therefore, I cannot support or condone anyone who would stand up in favor of violating that sanctity when I have the option of supporting someone who has done and would continue to do all in their power to protect it.



The big threat posed by McCain is the possibility of Sarah Palin becoming president!

To me, Obama represents hope. Here is a smart, caring man who seems to genuinely want to solve the problems facing this country. I think he really cares.

McCain was very inspiring in the Republican primaries, but he has only gone downhill since.

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