I Love Beating CNet!
Why Do Atheists Care?

3 Wednesdays In a Row - Coincidence?

Wednesday, July 18 - New York steampipe explosion
Wednesday, July 25 - Dallas gas explosion (shutting down I-35 for the rest of the day)
Wednesday, August 1 - Minneapolis bridge collapse into the Mississippi (shutting down I-35)

Anyone for staying off of the Freeway of Random Catastrophe, i.e. I-35, in major U.S. cities, which runs from Mexico up through Texas, Oklahoma, and all the way to Canada?  It's the only interstate that connects Mexico with Canada, by the way.  So who's out to get us, the Mexicans or the Canadians?  Or are they BOTH conspiring against us?!  Save yourselves and stay home next Wednesday, August 8, America.  Don't say you weren't warned...



Staying home today then, Worth? :-)

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